Whether or not a critical event occurs is often beyond your control.
But how well you’re prepared to respond? This you can control.
Preparation begins with an honest assessment of the technology you need to keep your people, places and property safe.
And that means digging deeper — and ignoring all the misinformation that’s out there.
Expect transparency from your critical event management provider.
OnSolve combines artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, unmatched expertise and a modern platform. That enables us to do what no one else can—get the right information to the right people in the right way at the right time. So you’re ready to quickly and effectively respond to natural or man-made disasters, IT failures, active shooters or any other critical event.
- 60+ combined years of proven support to the public and private sectors
- Billions of alerts sent annually
- Partner in the alert, search and recovery process for 90,000+ missing persons
- Relied upon by 10,000 federal, state, and local government entities
- Supported nearly 30,000 customers via capabilities in 190+ countries
When it comes to saving lives and protecting assets, there is no crisis management software comparison.
Put simply, OnSolve works when we need it to, gives us flexibility when demanded and is easily accessible from my mobile phone: three essential qualities when we’re moving quickly to mitigate a critical event on a global scale. —Bridger McGaw, CBCP, CISSP, CPP, Director, Global Security and Services
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)
OnSolve CodeRED was chosen to power wireless emergency alerts for Amber Alert System and serve as primary mass notification system (MNS) for NCMEC.
Looking for guidance?
Choosing the right critical event management provider relies on asking the right questions.
When Every Minute Counts™, speed, relevance and usability put time back on your side.
Request a consultation to see if OnSolve Critical Event Management is right for you.