Rising crime rates near company sites. An important conference in a city overseas. Protests on campuses. Critical events like these raise questions about integrated risk management: How do we make a case for more security? Which part of the city is the safest for attendees? How do we prepare to keep our community safe?
The answer to these questions can be complex and may require more than industry-leading critical event management technology. Are there additional insights from our AI-powered risk intelligence platform that we need to consider? What actions are most appropriate? What should we include in our planning?
These situations illustrate why having access to the right expertise as part of your extended team is so vital. Strategic intelligence support with expertise in both technology and critical event management can advise you on the actions you need to take to prepare and respond effectively to any threat.
Enhance Risk Intelligence with Human Expertise
Resilience is about people, processes and technology. A critical event management platform provides the insights you need to monitor an increasingly dynamic risk landscape through AI-powered risk intelligence. It also offers mass notification and incident management capabilities so you can communicate with employees and communities and activate response teams when a physical threat occurs.
But a technology partner can offer you more: strategic advice and human expertise.
A team of trusted advisors with multi-sector experience and expertise in your risk intelligence technology can act as a true extension of your team and help put your risk intelligence into context. They can provide additional levels of analysis that help you be more proactive – such as monitoring for changes in the risk landscape or providing recommendations on actions to take.
The key to staying one step ahead of risk is technology-enabled intelligence services built upon a foundation of AI-powered risk intelligence. For instance, when you notice an increase in crime around your sites, your extended team of experts can help you build a case for security, enabling you to secure the funds to bolster resources.
Another example: As the conflict in Gaza continues to fuel protests in the U.S., this combination of technology and expert analysis can help organizations and agencies build resilience. Strategic intelligence advisors can evaluate the risk landscape and help leaders understand dynamic risk related to the conflict. They provide strategic recommendations to help risk and resilience professionals prepare to face challenges and keep their people safe and informed during the course of global conflicts.
Put Human Expertise to Work
Organizations also need expert help to prepare for potential threats – not just those on the immediate horizon. Strategic intelligence advisors can help you prepare and practice for scenarios you’re likely to encounter. By leading tabletop exercises, they can help you develop messages and resolve gaps in current response plans.
Strategic security analysis is valuable for understanding the risk landscape, including supply chain risks and global trends. Organizations and agencies can tap into an advisor’s expertise to understand the risk associated with specific locations. For example, if you’re considering building a new facility, an analyst can evaluate several sites and provide a recommendation. When planning events, the analyst can assess the setting and conduct a threat analysis before any venue is booked.
People at all levels of your organization will have questions about risk and resilience. An employee who has lost their passport while traveling can call a 24/7/365 incident hotline and get assistance from dedicated experts. Members of your security team can also call with questions about a risk intelligence alert to get additional clarification.
When it comes to identifying and responding to incidents that impact people and operations, many organizations struggle to effectively activate and manage their incident management teams. Whether it's due to fragmented intelligence or manual processes, incident management team support from experienced analysts and security professionals can streamline and enhance an organization's response to security incidents.
Force-Multiply Your Team with Technology-Enabled Intelligence Services
As a recognized industry leader, OnSolve has provided intelligence services since 2018. Our Global Risk and Intelligence Services experts are selected for their breadth of knowledge and experience, with backgrounds in military operations, classic intelligence education and multi-sector strategic advising. Every member of the OnSolve team knows our proprietary solutions inside and out. And because we’ve been working with this technology for more than a decade, we make sure you get the most out of it.
Our goal is to help your organization build resilience across every phase of the critical event lifecycle: Prepare, Detect, Activate and Recover. The OnSolve Platform for Critical Event Management is built to complement this entire workflow, start to finish.
The mission can feel daunting and the path forward unclear. If you’d like to continue this discussion, provide feedback or are looking for assistance, OnSolve is here to help.