How Security Professionals Can Manage Risk as Their Scope Expands

The world is in a constant state of change, moving at a speed that seems to accelerate with each passing year. As organizations digitally transform, the accessibility, quantity and transmission speed of data are increasing exponentially as well.

In this rapidly shifting climate, security professionals must be receptive to change, and they must be agile. But to manage risk and minimize the impact of disruptions to their business, they also need fast, reliable access to actionable intelligence. Here’s why.

For years now, security teams have been moving away from operating in a silo. Recent developments such as the spike in cybercrime, civil unrest, severe weather and complications arising from the pandemic have emphasized the importance of incorporating security into every facet of business operations. A robust security plan must encompass a full 360-degree view of operations and permeate each level, from employees all the way up to the executive and board levels.

Furthermore, consider how the scope of what security professionals need to monitor and respond to has expanded. For example, to ensure business continuity, it’s no longer enough to keep an eye on your own suppliers; you need to maintain visibility of your suppliers’ suppliers.

With more to watch and more critical events to manage, shouldering the burden of detecting, mitigating and recovering from such a vast array of risks is no easy task. Plus, there’s now a massive volume of data coming at us at top speed, from every direction. Spreadsheets and email are no longer sufficient to track, organize and relay it all—let alone in time to make a difference during a critical event.

Automation can speed the process of analyzing the data and identifying an event, but you also need to understand how any event impacts your operations so you can take the right action. For instance, do you need to hire more guards to protect your facility if a protest is nearby and underway?

With AI-powered risk intelligence, security professionals can react to threats faster with immediate access to this kind of actionable intelligence. This technology is capable of monitoring thousands of data sources and identifying the critical events most likely to impact your organization. By verifying and categorizing information in real time, AI makes the process exponentially faster and more dynamic than exclusively human-driven analyses and procedures.

But understanding the event is simply the first step. Once you have the information, you need to relay it – to executives, response teams and vendors, as well as anyone in the path of danger. With a critical event management (CEM) platform that integrates risk intelligence with incident management and critical communications, security professionals can reach each other, their supervisors and the people they protect with instructions or warnings. It also provides the capability to tailor notifications, delivery criteria and recipient groups to be as narrow or as broad as the situation necessitates. Now, mitigating risk and strengthening resiliency can be synonymous.

GSX is the perfect place to learn about critical event management technology and how it can help security professionals effectively manage an ever-expanding threat landscape. We invite you to stop by our booth (#733) for a complimentary caffeine boost in the morning or join us for happy hour as the show floor closes.

Register to meet with us during the show for some one-on-one time with a critical event management expert: See OnSolve at GSX 2021.

Matt Bradley